Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Two Estimates and Counting

I'm so sorry I haven't been on regularly, but my personal life has been kind of crazy lately. So, we got two estimates within the last week and one was significantly higher than the other. I am still waiting for two more estimates, but I think we have our contractor already.

On another note, the whole financial part of building a home and paying a mortgage is making me very nervous. Even though the bank thinks that we can afford to build, I am feeling very uncertain. I think its probably a natural feeling considering the magnitude of debt we will be getting into and that I can't stand owing my credit card company even $200 for 10 days.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Status Report

Contractor Estimate
Is it us? So, we were expecting to get a final estimate from Caribbean Affordable Housing Company several weeks ago, but Mr. Wheatley seems to be MIA. I got in touch with him a week after he said the estimate would be ready and he said he was working on it and would get back to me. I think he said he needed another week. Several weeks later and no word. I tried emailing him, but haven't heard back. It is really weird because he was so reliable in the past. I hope nothing has happened to him. I contacted another contractor who I had spoken to before and he is working on a bid. He said we should have his bid by early next week. We are also planning on contacting a few more contractors next week for more estimates.

Land Clearing Permit
We are still waiting for our land clearing permit. The permit was submitted in mid-September, and we were expecting to get our permit within 4 weeks. We heard that the permit process was slow, but we didn't know it would take this long.

This is really an exhausting process and we haven't even really begun. Aaaargh!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I Miss You!

I just moved to Fortuna and haven't had any internet service, so that's why I haven't posted anything lately. Right now, I'm in Miami hanging with my family and checking out some home supplies. I'll be back soon to give you an update on our progress or lack there of.

Can't wait to talk to you again. How is your journey going?