Tuesday, February 28, 2012

While on St. Croix.... Redi Rock Retaining Wall

We were on St. Croix for the Agricultural Fair.  While we were driving around I spotted this Redi Rock wall system for retaining walls.  I like it and am going to look into it.  It looks like a mix between cinder block and rock.  I love the texture and large size.   It was being used as a fence wall.  

Have you seen it used? What do you think?

Another Hurdle

So last I mentioned that we had come across a hurdle. What happened was... our contractor informed us that he had expected a lot more rock at our site than there actually is. But since there was so much dirt to dig through before he actually reached a hard rock surface, the columns we are going to need, are going to be significantly longer than initially expected. So, besides needing additional concrete and rebar for the additional height, we are going to need additional support beams at least if we want to continue with our current design. He said that if we shortened the balcony (which is supposed to be 12 feet wide) we could use other support options, which would cost less. However, the balcony size is very important to me and I don't want to compromise on it to save a few thousand dollars. I'm planning on living in this house for a long time and have already imagined the dinners, sun bathing and parties that are going to happen on this balcony. As soon as he suggested shortening the balcony I knew I would regret it for the next however many years, so we will be adding the support beams and extending the column height, which is not only adding to the budget but adding to our construction time. Check out how we are doing.