Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Still Waiting...

So, we are still waiting to close on the land and for our house plans.

Closing- I'm not that upset we haven't closed yet. We are waiting for the seller's lawyer to prepare some documents. I know that we will close, so I'm ot worried- I haven't had to make any loan payments yet. Ideally we would close as soon as we have our house plans and construction estimates. That would reduce the number of loan payments we'd have to make before we begin construction. Building is not cheap, so we need to count all our pennies.

House Plans- Our draftsman said that we would have the final plans by the second week of May, but we have yet to even see a draft of the floor plan. Today he told my husband, Paul, that he would email us the draft floor plan tonight. I've been checking my email all evening, but something tells me I shouldn't hold my breath.

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