Friday, July 17, 2009

This Weekend: Permits & Drives

Paul and I are hoping to submit our first Earth Change Permit application on Monday. The Earth Change Permit will allow us to do some serious land clearing. We wont be able to excavate yet, but by clearing some of the trees we will have a better idea of exactly where the house and driveway should go.

Joe is suppose to help us clear the land. I hope that he can give us the necessary information to complete the application by this weekend.

This weekend we will also be working to register people for a Bone Marrow Drive we are helping to organize on St. Thomas at Tutu Park Mall from 10am-5pm on Saturday. As I mentioned before, Paul's cousin Khephra Nielsen was diagnosed with Leukemia earlier this year and is in need of a bone marrow donor. If you live on-island, we would love to see you at the Bone Marrow Registry Drive. Registering is easy. All you need to do is fill out a questionnaire and have your mouth swabbed.

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