Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Use What Comes Naturally- Part I

In case you don't know, St. Thomas and St. John are very mountainous and rocky. That's the reason we have such beautiful views. If you go up high you can see far and wide. The mountains also add to the natural landscaping, in particular there are some beautiful large rocks. At this moment, I have mixed feelings about the rocks. The rocks can be beautiful, but they can also be very expensive to move when clearing your land. Anyway, some people here use them in wonderful ,beautiful ways. This will be a 2-part post. In this post, I am going to show you some pictures I found on the Internet that show great ways to use rocks for your home's exterior and as part of your landscaping. In Part II, I will show you some images of how people on St. Thomas are using our rocks to add natural beauty to their property. Unfortunately, I had to send my camera away for repairs, so if my camera phone's pictures aren't clear, Part II may take a while. We shall see.

The Rock House Hotel in Negril, Jamaica. From

From the Cote de Texas blog

From Beco Landscapes

Wanna see a rock retaining wall get built? Check out Luc's Lively Landscapes blog.

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