Monday, March 29, 2010

Status Update- Can he hurry up already?

So about three weeks ago our draftsman said that he dropped the plans off at the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) to get approved. This sounded great at first, but things are not as great as they first appeared. First, the draftsman forgot a few changes that I had requested. So, he is supposed to be working making those changes and submitting them to DPNR (it was supposed to be done last Friday, but surprise, it wasn't). Second, when Paul and I checked with DPNR on the status of the plans, they said they didn't have them. The draftsman told me today that the person he gave the plans to at DPNR is not in the permit division and they are on leave until next week. So, its gonna be a while longer. The good thing is that Paul's friend at DPNR said it shouldn't take long to get the plans approved when they are submitted because there aren't many plans being reviewed now.

In the meantime, we are also waiting on a new estimate from the contractor.

On another note, my camera is down again so I don't have any new pictures to post.

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