Monday, August 31, 2009

One More Week?

We are suppose to get our final plans by the end of the week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Will you cross your fingers for us too? Thanks!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Trying to Figure Out What Permits We Need

Alright, so I'm not sure I've got this straight yet, but my preliminary research has me thinking the permits we are going to need after we get our Road & Driveway and Earth Change permits from my draftsman are:
  • Earth Change- Single Residential Lot
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Mechanical (This permit is listed online, but not listed on the Permit Application Control Form, no I'm not sure if it is necessary.)

According to the Permit Application Control Form, we may also need also going to need:

  • List of neighboring properties
  • Deed
  • Zoning Map
  • Public Works Department Map
  • Proof of Legal Interest

However, I haven't figured out when this form is suppose to be submitted. The Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) website provides copies of permit forms and publications, however it doesn't provide much instruction on which forms are needed for different projects and when they should be submitted. I hope that my call to DPNR this week is more helpful than their website.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Next Steps...

So, the draftsman assured me that we will have our final plans (with driveway and earth change permit) by the end of next week. I hope he makes good on his assurances.

In the meantime, this is our to do list:

  • Call the Department of Planning and Natural Resources and make sure we know all the requirements for getting a building permit
  • Call the bank and make sure we know exactly what we will need for our construction loan
  • Start filling out our building permit applications
Once we get the floor plans and Earth Change & Driveway permits, we need to:
  • Start clearing our land and put in our driveway
  • Submit our building permit applications
  • Get a final estimate from the contractor
  • Apply for a construction loan
  • Buy tickets to Miami (to get supplies)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Funky Design Ideas: Casa Caracol

Wow! Look at this unique Caribbean home. If you like it, you can make arragngements to rent it. I don't think I'd want my house to be so "unique," but I'd love to see it in person and stay for a week.

Casa Caracol is on Isla Mujeres, a Mexican island. According to Home Away, its a 5,500 sq ft house with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a pool and a view of the ocean. I think the square footage is pretty high to only have 2 bedrooms. I guess they must be huge.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tree Houses

Check out these amazing tree houses. The Virgin Islands Daily News had an article about Bamboo Island Homes. Bamboo Island Homes make pre-fabricated homes out of bamboo. The houses are made in Vietnam and sent to the Caribbean to be assembled.
The company has an office in St. Croix, USVI. I would love to have a bamboo guest house or vacation rental. Maybe someday.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Found a Match

Paul's cousin, Khephra Nielsen, who we discussed before, found a bone marrow donor. We are hoping for her full recovery.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4 Weeks and Counting

Our draftsman is on vacation for 2 whole weeks. He is off island with his family. I asked him if we could have everything, the drawings and driveway & earth change permits, in 4 weeks or if we should find someone else. He said he was going to take his computer on vacation with him and that he would have everything for us within 4 weeks. I know I shouldn't put much stock in what he says given his track record, but I really want to believe him. I am really anxious to start building and get into my own home.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Caribbean Home Inspiration

I found these great Caribbean home inspiration pictures on the net:



from agop's on

from phastinpics on
You like?

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Final" Floor Plans

I got a sweet surprise when I checked my email this morning. I got the "final" floor plans. However, its seems our draftsman forgot a few changes we discussed (mostly for the upstairs). Fortunately the contractors only need to see the downstairs for now. Take a look:The only change we need to make to this plan is to remove the windows on the right side of the living area. The kitchen and sofa were added for perspective; they wont actually be where they are pictured now.

The contractors have one week (hopefully they will be on time) with the plans, then we'll meet with the draftsman (hopefully for the last time) to get our final FINAL plans.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I really want to get the planning stage done with and get to the building.