Friday, April 16, 2010

What's new? Status Report

Where are we now? Waiting of course.

1-Our plans are being reviewed by the Department of Planning and Natural Resources. They say we should have a building permit in 30 days, but its carnival time, so I suspect it may take a little longer.

2-Waiting for an updated estimate from our contractor so we can go to the bank and apply for a construction loan.

Goals for the next two weeks:

1-We can access our land from two directions on a private road, but there is a boulder in the middle of one of the access roads, so we need to get rid of it.

2-Mark the trees on our land that we really want to keep, if we can.

I mailed my camera to the repair shop this week. I can't wait to get it back so I can start taking pictures and sharing them with you.

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