Monday, January 24, 2011

My Only Option in the US Virgin Islands

When do you or should you make a complaint? Let's use a restaurant as an example. Let's say you go to a restaurant and order a burger. You tell the server that you want it cooked medium-well and to hold the mayo. The server brings you back a burnt burger with lots of mayo. In this situation there are some people who would complain to the server or manager and ask for a new burger. These people would wait for the new burger made to their liking and enjoy their meal. Then there are others who would salvage as much as they could and wait until they were leaving to say something to the waiter or manager. These people might worry that their server spit on their burger if they ask for a new one. I am usually one these people, I try to go along for as long as I can without making waves because I worry that if I make a big deal about something the person or organization that is suppose to help me might start dragging their feet or creating additional obstacles for me to get what I need.

Word on the street is that Scotiabank is the only bank on the island giving constructions loans, at least of the big banks on island, Banco Popular, First Bank and Scotiabank. And there is only one person at Scotiabank handling construction loans. So be prepared, it may be a delayed process. Do you know of any smaller banks or loan providers giving construction loans?

Get it?

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