Monday, January 10, 2011

Will We Be Left in the Dark?

I want a solar system!

No, not that type of solar system, but this kind:

We are going to need power for our house. Paul had a friend who works for the Water and Power Authority (WAPA) give us an estimate of how much getting electric poles to our house is going to cost. He said about $20,000. That is alot of money. At least to me it is. I would prefer to get a solar power system. In fact our house was designed for it, but you know what is more expensive than getting power from WAPA? You guessed it, getting solar power. However, solar power does come with a federal tax credit and local rebates, but it would still require us to come up with the initial cash outlay. I don't know if we have it. I guess we might just have to live in the dark for a while. Another possibility is to find out if the people who own land next to us want power anytime soon and want to share in the cost of getting power from WAPA.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions or us?

1 comment:

  1. I suggest you go and ask your neighbor if they want to share the cost. Also, check with them how do they go by day in and day out without electrical power. Maybe there are some tips you can pick up on that would apply to your home.
