Friday, March 30, 2012

Roof by the End if April?

Last week my contractor said we should have our roof on by the end of April.   Yes, that was before all the rain. These pictures were taken this week. What do you think the chances of our roof being on by April are?

So, we looked at some kitchen cabinets at Home Depot last weekend.  Apparently they take wo to three months to arrive.  I will be checking out some other options.  But who knows, I may end up ordering from there anyway.  I have been thinking about Ikea too.

1 comment:

  1. First, congratulations on your upcoming home! Just be patient, and everything will turn out the way you want them. You have a lovely view from there! Well, in any case, I understand why you want so badly to settle down there as quickly as possible. Good luck and may you finally be able to get down comfortably there!
