Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another Waiting Game

So, we spoke to Mr. Wheatley from Caribbean Affordable Housing Company about his prices and general contractor services. Now, we are waiting to hear from the original general contractor we were hoping to work with. Paul went to school with and grew up with the general contractor's son and the general contractor said he would try to give us a good deal on building the house, which sounded great.

A few months ago the general contractor came to the land and spoke to us about some design ideas. But we have sent him several emails since and haven't heard back about any of them. Paul spoke to him on Friday to let him know that we were sending him a copy of the rough floor plans and would be waiting to hear back from him with a rough estimate the next day. It is now Wednesday, Paul left two message for him and we haven't heard anything yet. I am not thrilled about this. If we don't hear anything by today we might have to move on. This isn't a good way to start a business relationship.

If he needs more time, that's fine, but he could at least call to say that.

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